Cartilage is a tough and flexible tissue present throughout the body. Cartilage damage is a common sort of injury. It includes the knee joints that results in joint pains, stiffness and swelling. It makes the individual’s life hard by not allowing them to sit or stand for long, makes the walking difficult and hinders other activities that involve the major role of joints. If you have injured your joint, you can take self-care measures. If it's a sprain or minor cartilage damage, you can get better on your own in less than a week. Severe cartilage damage may not improve on its own. It has to be treated immediately by a joint replacement surgeon in Vijayawada and if it's left untreated, it may wear out the joint.


If your joint is injured and symptoms aren’t severe, you probably need to take care of yourself by using PRICE therapy which stands for protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation. You can also take ordinary painkillers to minimize the pain in the joint. Visit your knee replacement doctors at orthopedic hospitals in Vijayawada if symptoms remain the same or get worse even after using PRICE therapy.


Your orthopedic specialist in Vijayawada may ask you to refer the physiotherapist if there is a difficulty in the movement of the affected joint. A physiotherapist can help to reinforce the muscles that surround or support the joint. This may decrease the pain and pressure on the joint. It’s also helpful while recovering from the surgery.


When the severe cartilage damage doesn’t tend to heal on its own, surgery becomes a necessity. It can be done using arthroscopy. Joint replacement, lavage and debridement, osteotomy, mosaicplasty, marrow stimulation, etc., are some of the procedures.

Discuss with your knee joint specialist in Vijayawada about the type of surgery they think is best suited for you, what are the possible risks and what to expect during surgery and how long will it take to recover.

Cartilage Restoration

With the advancement in orthopedics, people no longer suffer from joint pain or mobility limitations because of cartilage damage. There are advanced cartilage restoration techniques that have established significant clinical enhancement in joint pain and function.

Cartilage restoration is a surgical procedure done on a patient’s knee where it resurfaced, realigned and stabilized thus evading the joint replacement. It is effective in patients who are aged under 50 and active. Two types of cartilage restoration are autologous chondrocyte implantation and osteochondral transplant. This procedure can take up to 1-4 hours based on the injury. Recovery may vary but can usually take up to 2-3 months before pursuing weight-bearing activities.


  • Avoids the requirement to place the artificial substances inside the joint to render pain relief.
  • Prevents the advancement of arthritis because of bone and joint injury
  • Aids people to get back to active lifestyles
  • Delays the need for joint replacement surgery

Consult the best joint replacement doctor for cartilage cell treatment in Vijayawada.